
We Lack, Definition

We Lack, Definition

“Definition matters, at least to those so desperately trying to find it. After years apart, six college friends gather in a lakeside cabin to mourn the sudden passing of their dear friend, Frankie. Here they will make peace with who they were, who they are, and who they’re each becoming.”

Starring: Lucille Sharp, Kyle Brand, Sarah Killough, Kyle Rudolph, Jillian Soares & Matt Faucher.

Directors Statement

What defines me? 

This is a question I’ve asked myself a million times, and not once have I been able to find a satisfying answer. I don’t know if I ever will. What I do know is that loss is a part of my definition, part as in a piece of, and that piece is what drives the narrative of this feature film. 

We Lack, Definition centers on six friends who come together over a three day weekend to mourn the passing of their dear friend, Frankie. Through eight chapters and six different points of view, the story explores themes of loss and identity. It’s an in-depth look at how people grieve, heal, and in the process, find definition. 

The tone of the film balances on a tightrope between drama and comedy, with moments of pure joy turning to heartbreak. As the writer, director, and cinematographer of the film it was imperative to me that the visual language align with this tonal exploration. From the use of the ‘bottle’ in every scene, to the framing of each character within their specific chapters, I diligently combined the visual and spoken narrative in subtle and creative ways. 

The heart of We Lack, Definition lies in its performances. Each character has a clear goal, and my cast came to the set prepared to rehearse, explore, and play. Their emotional availability bleeds through the screen and turns a simple concept into a deeply complex exploration of the human condition. 

We Lack, Definition is a film for all audiences. I hope those who see it find comfort in knowing we all seek a means to define ourselves, and that the search itself matters more than the result.


Please note: All of the photographic images related to ‘We Lack, Definition Content’, are owned by Sasha Pasternak. Reproduction or use in any form is prohibited unless approved by the owner and LLC.